Photoshop CS6 Beta, download


A whole new experience in digital image editing

Thank you for checking out the Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 beta. The world’s best digital image editing software is about to get even better. Explore Photoshop CS6 beta for a sneak preview of some of the incredible performance enhancements, imaging magic, and creativity tools we are working on. Discover for yourself why Photoshop CS6 software will be a whole new experience in digital image editing.

Photoshop CS6 beta | Youtube

Photoshop CS6 beta_image sample

photoshopCS6_beta sample


Darktable, revelador de fotos open source


…Se ha hecho pública la liberación de la versión 1.0 de Darktable, otro software de catalogación (mesa de luz) y revelado (cuarto oscuro) de fotografía que por sus características e interfaz se plantea como un duro competidor de Lightroom.

Al instalar y abrir esta versión he podido apreciar una interfaz muy amigable. Tiene soporte para plugins y no parece faltarle nada de lo que tienen otras aplicaciones comerciales. Otro software más que por su coste de licencia cero y su alta calidad merece ser instalado tan sólo para darle una oportunidad.


Ver la materia completa en: Xatara Foto

Descarga: Darktable

Página oficial: Darktable

11/11/11 11:11:11 Photo Project

Let’s get together on this day (11.11.11), at this time (11:11:11)!!! HOW? On this day and at this time wherever you are, take 1 picture!!! It can be a picture of anything. Just make sure that you take it on 11/11/11 at 11:11:11! And post to this page! Everybody is welcome! Let’s spread the word! Make sure to geo-tag your picture. And let’s have fun!

Publish the picture at

Wage 365

Photo David is the nickanme of David De La Rosa, one of my contacts in flickr. He plays with several types of cameras (film and digital) and also with the Ugly Dolls, being Wage the most photographed in all his photostream. David made the project ‘Wage 365’, photographing Wage for each day for an entire year. After looking at his pictures, you could almost believe Wage is alive.
wage 365 project

click on the image to see the whole project at flickr website


Eiji Yuzawa “Barocco” – Beauty of Bones

Eiji Yuzawa is a photographer whose work depicts animal skeleton samples in dynamic compositions. He won much acclaim for his “Bones” photo collection, which straddled the boundary between academic material and art photography. This exhibition showcases Yuzawa’s new work in both photo and slideshow format.

Schedule:  from February 1st (Tue) to March 19, 2011
Venue hours:  From 16:00 to 24:00 (Sunday from 14:00 to 22:00), closed on Mondays, Holidays
Venue:  Traumaris Space
Address:  NADiff A/P/A/R/T 3F 1-18-4 Ebisu Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Tel:  03-6408-5522
Access:  6minutes walk from the East exit of JR Ebisu Station

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